
(redirected from precuts)


Cut into size or shape before being marketed, assembled, or used: precut fillet of fish; precut construction materials.
tr.v. (prē-kŭt′) pre·cut, pre·cut·ting, pre·cuts
To cut into size or shape before marketing, assembling, or using.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. any precut item
2. (Mining & Quarrying) an initial cut made in a coalface prior to the main mining process
3. cut in advance
4. (Building) (of a building) made of precut materials
vb (tr)
5. to cut (esp building materials) to the desired shape and size in advance
6. (Mining & Quarrying) to make an initial cut into (a coalface) before mining the coal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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While one might think this would involve expenditures of precise colors and patterns, Henderson shows how to apply this technique with precuts or scraps, and how to make versatile blends of color and style.
If using precuts, from each assorted print 21/2" x width-of-fabric strip, cut the following patches:
Section 3 shows the motivation of PreCuts. Section 4 illustrates the proposed algorithm.
In 2008, Iran exported $9.5 billion of various precuts to OIC member states while its imports from the countries stood at $18.283 billion.
Additionally, PCNS precuts could result in higher PPW volumes due to the topwood portion of the stem left after cutting out the higher value log.
Why waste time on wrong-sized precuts? Why waste space with pre-cut inventories?
The Bigger Line is also available with a third shaft, called the Masher, which precuts and orients long parts as they feed into the cutting chamber.
That gap in what consumers continue to call value isn't stopping precuts from growing faster than whole greens.
'By the year 2000, 50% of produce department sales will be in precuts. It's the wave of the future," believes Jack Lanners, director of fresh fruits and vegetables at Glen's Markets, Gaylord, Mich.
Piece and Quilt With Precuts features 11 quilt projects and 18 machine-cutting designs and focuses on tricks and tips to make working with precuts and scraps a cinch.
Rebecca Silbaugh's Seems Like Scrappy : The Look You Love with Fat Quarters and Precuts (9781604685855 $22.99) provides quilt crafters with a fine blend of scrappy appearance and the convenience of using precuts over scraps, and comes from a designer whose top quilting book, Seemingly Scrappy, attracted a wide audience.
Kimberly Einmo's JELLY ROLL QUILT MAGIC (9781604600001, $26.95) offers some twelve projects using precuts or fabrics from a stash and offer streamlined cutting instructions, shopping lists, and plans for quickly using these precuts to maximum advantage.