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(Elements & Compounds) an archaic spelling of pewter


1. (intr) to potter about, to do trifling simple tasks
2. (intr) to poke around, to rummage
3. (tr) archaic to poke (something)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
To mark National Sausage Week, Tristan Powter, sales and marketing director of Powters sausages, tells us why this packaged meat was once banned by the Catholic Church What is your job description?
Sean Powter set Deane up for a fine goal that opened a six point lead four minutes from time.
His mum Jill Evans and Helen Shepherd, WellChild Nurse for Kirklees, also sing on the cover of Daniel Powter's Bad Day.
Now his mum Sian and brother Isaac have taken part in recording a version of Daniel Powter's Bad Day with the Well-Child choir.
Powter and Gladstone (2008a) stated that juveniles often occupy a seagrass nursery in a large coastal embayment, but the aggregation observed on this occasion was not in an area dominated by seagrass, and while some were juveniles it was clear from the total lengths observed that a considerable percentage of the sharks present were adults or were at least approaching sexual maturity.
1971: Daniel Powter. Canadianborn singer, whose hits include Bad Day.
Grant Powter, managing director of Powters, said: "The packs look great on the shelf and it is the most positive response I have ever had to new product packaging.
Only the most senior of the quartet, baritone Adrian Powter, seemed to have any significant grasp of the music''s spirituality, most notably dispatching the extended aria, The Trumpet Shall Sound, in the final "faith" section, having earlier addressed the work''s most contentious contemporary conundrum: Why Do the Nations So Furiously Rage Together?
Maybe she should do a rendition of Daniel Powter's Bad Day instead.
Brett Powter, manager of Nullagine's only pub, the Conglomerate Hotel, said he expects to run out of beer before his next delivery is scheduled to arrive.
If the player is collecting cash from the others, the machine plays a relevant song such as Happy Birthday or Daniel Powter's Bad Day.
What with James, Will Young, Daniel Powter, Sam Beeton (who toured with James recently - watch out for him) and a handful of other lads back, guitars in hand, it's looking to be a summer of Boy Power.