

(Banking & Finance) existing or remaining after tax is deducted
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Morrison's Exile Productions Ltd recorded a posttax profit of [euro]3.16million in 2018 after paying business tax of around [euro]973,000.
The Irish carrier lowered its full-year posttax profit guidance from between [euro]1.1bn (PS966m) and [euro]1.2bn (PS1bn) to a new range of [euro]1bn (PS878m) and [euro]1.1bn (PS966m).
For employees younger than 50 years, IRAs can be funded with posttax dollars up to the current annual contribution limit of $5500.
Let us use the following terms and symbols: t is financial (taxation) year; [??](t) is the income of the economic system from the production and service rendered by the business; [[??].sub.1](t) is posttax income of an economic entity; u(t) is the tax burden of the economic entity in the financial (tax) year; [xi] is equity capital load taking into account the taxes; [??] is the fuzzy value of the growth rate of the economy; [??] is the fuzzy value of the underground economy weight; [tau] is period for tax liabilities.
[11] were used (these data are originally sourced from the IEA Energy Prices and Taxes database and consist of the final price paid by the end-user per unit of final energy product consumed, including taxes (but excluding any posttax subsidies).
Zenith's gross total assets increased from N4 trillion ($12.3bn) in 2015 to N4.739 trillion last year, while its posttax profits rose from Niosbn ($324m) in 2015 to N130bn, a 23% rise in post-tax profits.
The business, which includes 31 restaurants worldwide, booked posttax profit of PS739,000 for the year ending in August 2016, up from a PS2m loss the year before.
Specifically, [tau] is the rate of individual posttax return on investment (ROI), and [theta] is the rate of supply chain's posttax return on investment (ROI).
Emmanuel Saez: Here I bring back Figure 8 showing the bottom 50% of adult income, pretax and posttax. It's obvious that, in dollar terms, transfers play a big role for the bottom 50%.