

a transparent plastic wrapping material
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References in periodicals archive ?
du Pont would have a monopoly, or whether there was a wider market including other flexible packaging materials like Pliofilm, glassine, foil, polyethylene, waxed paper, and Saran Wrap.
Petroleum industry manufacturing 1995 plant, Illinois, USA (Shell) Pliofilm cohort Wong 1995 Chemical industry Pliofilm cohort Rinsky et al.
Thaw-pack orange juice made available by Citrifrost Corp., Pico, Calif., in a quart-size pliofilm bag that could remain five days in the refrigerator after thawing.
Are these succulent cheeses just a sheet of Pliofilm away from being the prepackaged products of our impersonal shopping malls?
When the pliofilm tray packs came out, Green Giant was the pro.
Cohort SMR USA Chemical 2002 (Pliofilm) industry Costantini et Cohort SMR Italy Shoe factory al.
The nested case-control studies were all performed in the petroleum industry, whereas the cohort studies were performed in the chemical industry (Pliofilm, Dow, Wong, and Swaen studies), in a shoe factory (Costantini study), or a wide range of different industries [Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine-National Cancer Institute (CAPM-NCI) study] (Hayes et al.
They are packed in airtight pliofilm bags, which are dropped into boiling water to prepare.
Risk of benzene-induced leukemia: a sensitivity analysis of the Pliofilm cohort with additional follow-up and new exposure estimates.
These included potency estimates published by Crump (22), whose risk assessment of benzene-induced leukemia was based on the Pliofilm cohort (23); estimates that we calculated using summary data from the analysis by Crump; and estimates that we calculated using data from a recently published study of workers in China (24).
For our potency calculations based on the Pliofilm data, we fit linear multiplicative models of the form: