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(Zoology) zoology the abdomen of a crustacean
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈpli ɒn)

the abdomen of a crustacean.
[1850–55; n. use of Greek pléōn, present participle of pleîn to swim, sail]
ple′on•al (-ə nl) ple•on′ic, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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from McMaster University in Canada and spent a year in Germany studying limnology at the Freshwater Institute in Pleon and marine biology at the University of Kiel.
The cephalothorax of each female was detached from the pleon, and both were weighed (wet weight, precision 0.1 mg) and stored at -70 [degrees]C for biochemical analyses.
falclandica according to Lew-Ton & Poore (1986), and its anterior part is wider than its posterior part (1.6 and 0.8 mm, respectively); the pleon is formed by the fusion of pereonites PV, PVI, and PVII.
Antenna, antennula, maxilla, maxillule, maxilliped, pereon, pleon, pereopods, pleopods, pleotelson and uropods were mounted between a depressed slide and a coverslip for observation and measurement in a Leica EZ4HD stereomicroscope (Thatcher, Oliveira, & Garcia, 2009).
All body regions distinct, pereomeres distinct but pleomeres medially fused; pleon strongly torsioned (Fig 1A, B).
Class V: biddan 1 'to ask', biddan 2 'to beg', cnedan 'to knead', cwedan 'to say', drepan 'to strike', etan 1 'to eat', etan 2 'to eat together', feon 'to rejoice', fnesan 1 'to pant', fretan 'to devour', giefan 'to give', gietan 'to get', lesan 'to collect', licgan 'to lie', metan 'to measure', nesan 'to escape from', pleon 'to expose to danger', repan 'to reap', screpan 'to scrape', seon 1 'to see', seon 3 'to provide', sittan 1 'to sit', sittan 2 'to finish', sprecan 1 'to speak', sprecan 2 'to agree', stecan, swefan 'to sleep', tredan 'to tread', wefan 'to weave', wegan 1 'to carry', wegan 2 'to fight', wrecan 'to drive'.
The pleon length (ABL) was measured from the first pleonite anterior margin to the posterior furca of the telson (Cuesta et al.
The range of organizations covers research foundations like the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (supported by Ketchum New York), foreign aid organizations like Born in Africa (supported by Ketchum Belgium), and social service agencies like Diakonie Jugendhilfe Oberbayern (supported by Ketchum Pleon Germany.
Lewis West over revivals of Muldoon's Picnic by Harry Pleon, which was described as an "Irish Opera", although much of its appeal seems to have been in its broad comedy.