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Related to picritic: Oceanite


(Chemistry) containing picrate; of or relating to picrate
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References in periodicals archive ?
SmoPkin, V.F.: 1992, Komatiitic and picritic magmatism of the Early Precambrian of the Baltic Shield.
Several workers propose an origin by olivine fractionation and accumulation from picritic magma (cf., Coleman, 1977; Malpas, 1978; Elthon et al.,1982), while others propose a residual mantle origin (Nicolas and Prinzhofer, 1983; Boudier and Nicolas, 1995; Kelemen et al., 1995; Zhou et al.,1996).
3c) intersected relatively fresh picritic sills at depths less than 200 m (Stakes and Franklin 1994), and further drilling during ODP Leg 169 sampled sills and basement lavas just south of Bent Hill at depths >430 m (Bjerkgard et al.
The eruptives from MgO-rich (~16%) parental picritic magma (Krishnamurthy and Cox, 1977) would yield higher platinum group element (PGE) concentrations than typical Deccan basalts and their Cr/Ni ratios are closer to those in the Spanish Caravaca K-T layer than to chondritic ratios (Vannucci et al., 1990; Sutherland, 1994).
Four suites of mafic rocks are present, namely (1) picritic lapilli tuff, (2) basaltic to andesitic lapilli tuff, (3) low-Cr basalt, and (4) andesitic basalt.