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(Aeronautics) aeronautics a small helium filled pilot balloon that is used to measure changes of wind speed and direction as altitude increases
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Collaboratively written by the team of Elizabeth Nicholson, Janine Pibal, Nick Geller, and beautifully illustrated throughout by Michelle Thies, "Cleo and Cornelius: A Tale of Two Cities and Two Kitties" is a wonderfully entertaining and unreservedly recommended addition to family, daycare center, preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book collections for children ages 3-5.
Pibal's exhibition, DRMN', continues her ongoing exploration of geometric abstraction as a process-based, improvisational practice.
PIBAL will include PILOT, PILOT SHIP and PILOT MOBIL messages as output options.
Obviously, the resume should contain the applicant's name, address, and phone number (Harcourt & Krizan, 1989, Hutchinson, 1984; Pibal, 1985; Schramm & Dortch, 1991).
Pibal's paintings are elegant, compact, highly refined abstractions with family resemblances to those of such contemporaries as Tomma Abts and Ruth Root.
Already completed and online are METOC Product and Services Catalog; Solar/Lunar Almanac Predictions (SLAP); Surf Forecasting (SURF); Tidal Predictions (TIDES); Wind Conversion; Pressure Altitude/Density Altitude (PADA), Pilot Balloon (PIBAL); Temperature Utility (TEMP UTIL); and Unit Conversion.