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Related to Perea: Perez


(Placename) a variant spelling of Peraea
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a misty veil are seen the high plains of Perea, which stretch away
Hasegawa, Hagiwara and Perea will now each get NT$2 million in prize money and one of them will eventually see his or her proposal realized.
Ricardo Martinez Perea, Captain Pedro Maya Diaz, and Lieutenant Ricardo Antonio Quevedo were placed in custody in early April on charges of providing protection to the Tamaulipas-based Gulf drug cartel.
Gaudi's legacy, plasticity of form, can still be seen in architecture like that of Andres Perea, Jose Maria Palao and Julian Franco Lopez' Santa Teresa church (1991), where the roof is a landscape of curved and terraced hills.
Rufus Perea, a priest and exorcist of the Bombay, India, archdiocese who travels the globe healing and praying over people for deliverance from demons.
Strong primeval partnerships and animal emotions characterized the raw energy of Walter Kennedy and Dancers's Fault Boundaries, and Licia Perea y Danzantes's duet In Concert with Angels painted moving memories of a partner who had AIDS: the two dancers flowed in and out of a rectangle of light, connected through simple gestures of mutual nurturing, yet revealing, through moments of alternate facings, that one must look toward death while the other looks to the future.
It is presented by SMX Aura, SMX Academix, and SM Aura Premier through Walid Wafik, Vice President-General Manager, SMX Convention Center, Agnes Pacis, Vice President for Sales and Marketing, SMX Convention Center, and Sheryl Perea, Senior Branch Head, SMX Convention Center.
CamSur Express (98) - Relata 15, Hermonio 14, Olea 14, Romana 13, Hermoso 9, Ratton 9, Perea 6, Soliman 5, Buenaobra 4, Cervantes 3, Adan 2, Mendoza 2, Orada 2, Atencia 0, Beron 0.
They have the combination of height under the boards of 6ft 8ins Marcel Marchlewicz and 6ft 5ins Guntars Trabliks and skill outside, from the hands of Kurtis Johnson and Alex Perea and this is giving all the top teams problems each week.