

of, relating to, or resembling a pellet
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Where these pelletal aggregations are not evident, such as in the deeper parna deposits, abundant illuviation features suggest that clay particles deposited within the parna, whether as pellets or coatings on grains, have subsequently undergone considerable weathering and a range of pedogenic processes.
The phosphorites are of pelletal type and commonly contain cellophane, dahlite, francolite, glaucophane, dolomite, iron oxide and pyrite in various proportions.
In such contexts, glauconite is an authigenic mineral developed as pelletal facies (mud coprolites, foraminiferal tests and mineral debris), and less frequently as films growing in holes, cracks and borings on hardgrounds and omission surfaces that may be associated with phosphates (e.g., Odin and Letolle, 1981; Odin and Matter, 1981; Fischer, 1990; Jimenez-Millan et al., 1998; Wigley and Compton, 2007).
Each cycle began with deposition of carbonate pelletal mud, micrite, followed upward by fossiliferous calcarenties and an upward shoaling oolite bar.
The programme is to test diamond content of pelletal claystone sediments at the site.
Whereas most of the northern shoreline is rocky, the eroded edges of the platform along the south coast and parts of the northeast are flanked by a narrow beach of skeletal pelletal sands and by a belt of low modern dunes (1-2m high).
The remains of repeated small scale camping episodes were uncovered in a palaeosol capping a buried pelletal clay lunette.
Hesse and McTanish 2003) suggesting that there is little clear evidence of pelletal clay aggregates being transported long distances as dust.
Middle Smackover strata, especially in basinal areas, are dominated by lime mudstone and pelletal or fossiliferous wackestone, deposited in relatively deep water.
Our building materials all gathered and ready, we killed time by riding along the creek, seeking out scattered greenery and last year's dry grass so the horses could stretch their dwindling supply of pelletal feed.
(2003): Deep to shallow lacustrine evaporites in the Libros Gypsum (southern Teruel Basin, NE Spain): an occurrence of pelletal gypsum rhythmites.
Adjacent to the biohermal limestone area, the Lumanda quarry and Moldri core (depth 29.8-38.4 m) exhibit predominantly medium- to thick-bedded, wavy or horizontal fine-grained skeletal grainstones alternating with pelletal packstones and skeletal wackestones.