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Tiny pieces of pasta, often cooked in soups or used as baby food.

[Italian, diminutive of pasta, pasta; see pasta.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Cookery) any of several small pieces of pasta, typically used in soups
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(1.) Saraco N, Nesi-Franca S, Sainz R, Marino R, Marques-Pereira R, La Pastina J, Perez Garrido N, Sandrini R, Rivarola MA, de Lacerda L, Belgorosky A.
Following the popular radionovelas of the 1940s, Brazil's first telenovela, Sua vida me pertence (Your life belongs to me), was aired twice weekly by Rede Tupi in Sao Paulo in 1950 (Rego & La Pastina, 2007).
Uma pesquisa que propoe um protocolo metodologico para pesquisas que envolvam engajamento midiatico e etnografias de audiencia e a de Antonio La Pastina (2005), que considera a nocao de engajamento em relacao a "totalidade da experiencia midiatica", por exemplo, "desde a leitura sobre o show ate os atos de assisti-lo, falar sobre e lembra-lo, e assim por diante" (La Pastina, 2005, p.
Romanian Lucian Stinci, 34, was so infatuated with Florina Pastina, 36, that he installed spy cameras to watch her in the shower of the shared house where they lived in Croydon, south London.
(20/) Paci was "de Martino's most important interlocutor in the last years of his life." See Pastina's introduction in de Martino, Scritti filosofici, ed.
Generalmente los estudios de brecha digital documentan el nivel de conexion a internet o escasez de conexion (Davison y Cotten, 2010; Goswami, 2008; Jackson, Fitzgerald, Eye, Zhao y Witt, 2010; Strover, 2001; Dijk, 2006; Warf, 2010; Warschauer, 2004; Weinstein y Clower, 1994; Wirth, 2006) y el acceso a los equipos de computo de una poblacion o ciudad en particular (Dijk, 2005; DiMaggio, Hargittai, Coral y Shafer, 2004; Hacker y Steiner, 2002; La Pastina y Quick, 2004; Malecki, 2003; Mertens y D'Haenens, 2010; Pedrozo, 2013).
La Pastina. "How the iPhone Became Divine: New Media, Religion and the Intertextual Circulation of Meaning." New Media Society 12, 7 (2010): 1200-1207.
De hecho, algunas series de television han pretendido y conseguido difundir diversos valores sociales; valga de ejemplo la telenovela brasilena O rei do gado (El rey del ganado), que a mediados de los '90 promovio eficazmente la reforma agraria, la integridad politica y la proteccion medioambiental (La Pastina, 2001).
(129.) Lauricella & McKay, supra note 126 (quoting Louis Pastina, executive vice president and head of operations at NYSE Euronext's New York Stock Exchange).