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(Biology) biology a hypothetical particle of protoplasm
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References in periodicals archive ?
NaPro BioTherapeutics bought the Genomics Business of Pangene.
Akkadix Corporation (La Jolla, CA; 858-646-8284), an international agricultural gene discovery and functional genomics company and Pangene Corporation (Mountain View, CA; 650-903-1058), a functional genomics company producing pharmaceutical products and providing genomics services, signed an agreement for the license of Pangene's patent estate of enhanced Homologous Recombination and other related technologies to Akkadix for commercial use in the plant science field.
Pangene's Direct Geonomics website offers gene expression screening and clones.
Anderson, "PAX-FKHR function as pangenes by simultaneously inducing and inhibiting myogenesis," Oncogene, vol.