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References in periodicals archive ?
(This concept was first proposed in the president's National Security Strategy in December, but that dull bureaucratic document got scant attention while the Trump-Xi palship was still on.) This policy shift is big.
"Rah-boy-oh-boy, let him show me only palship and buddyness and I would meet him half-way, I would be like in the jokes, the fun-loving Pop."
(At the journalistic high end, Norman Mailer stepped forth as lecturer on modesty to complain that Bush's donning the flight suit ranked as a cowardly act by a poseur who, having bought out of combat in youth, shamelessly claimed an exalted hero's stature in middle age.) But the theme of the flight-deck drama was sameness not heroic difference, palship not leadership, and the contribution that truly counted was to the broad cause of issue erosion.
Perhaps we cannot require proof of contemporary pen- palship or philately from our applicants.