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n. pl. pa·laz·zi (-sē) or pa·laz·zos
A large, splendid residence or public building, such as a palace or museum.

[Italian, from Latin Palātium, imperial residence; see palace.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -razzos or -razzi (-ˈrætsiː)
(Architecture) an Italian palace
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(pəˈlɑt soʊ)

n., pl. -laz•zi (-ˈlɑt si)
an impressive public building or private residence, esp. in Italy; palace.
[1665–75; < Italian: literally, palace]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Dilapidated old palazzi, if you will go out of the way for them, are to be had for five shillings a year.
Togo Palazzi can't wait to watch his protege, Zach Auguste, play for Notre Dame at Boston College on Saturday.
Titling his exhibition "Palazzi Torinesi" (Palaces of Turin), Bronstein immersed himself in this princely milieu to revisit and reimagine some of the city's landmark buildings in works in a range of media, from painting to video, spread over six floors.
Thomas Palazzi, president of Hooksett-based The Palazzi Corporation, has been selected as the winner of the 11th annual New Hampshire Construction Industry Ethics Award.
If the recommendations of Stefano Palazzi, the federal prosecutor at the Italian match-fixing trial, are passed, then Inter Milan may be Italy's sole representatives in the Champions League
Lorna Palazzi has joined The Kalian Companies as Director of Sales and Marketing.
On this particular coronation see Rota; Tutio; Piave; Goldioni, 129-63; Sansovino and Stringa, 280-94, 431-32; Palazzi, 111-16; Molmenti, 287-305; Staley's lively, if sometimes inaccurate, discussion, 282-88; Muir, 1981, 293-96; Scarabello, 1982, 176; Rendina, 327-28.
You could rehash the records -- Leominster leads one of the nation's oldest rivalries, 63-58-10 -- the legendary performances, the stars of teams past or even the heightened stakes, but Leominster coach Dave Palazzi has the much-hyped event in perspective.
She then examines the path of various formal entries into the city (papal, episcopal, royal, and imperial), the location of the palazzi of the merchant nobility, as well as the location of the Mendicant orders, the confraternities, monasteries, and tabernacles that "sanctified" the city.
BOSTON -- Holy Cross greats Tom Heinsohn and Togo Palazzi were the special guests at Coaches vs.
Leominster coach Dave Palazzi knows that the only thing harder than winning a Super Bowl title is doing it again the next year, so that's why he's taking nothing for granted heading into today's Division 1 Super Bowl rematch against St.
opponents) is struggling to find its identity, but Leominster coach Dave Palazzi says that is what is going on with his Blue Devils' offense.