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(paɪˈzæn) or


(Peoples) other words for paisan
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References in periodicals archive ?
[40.] De Rosa M, Zarrilli S, Paesano L, Carbone U, Boggia B, Petretta M, et al.
Family-owned and operated Paesano Pizzeria, 1121 Grafton St., Worcester, is among new neighborhood restaurants in the city to offer an authentic taste of home cooking.
Enrique Chediak; editor, Dan Zimmerman; MUSIC, John Paesano; production DESIGNER, Mark Fisichella; ART DIRECTOR, Douglas Cumming; SET DECORATOR, John Danniells; SET designers, Michelle C.
(acciottolate come le vecchie strade, secondo l'uso paesano, per il passaggio dei carri, quando le notti erano piene del rumore delle ruote sulle pietre, mentre un lume rossastro pendeva oscillando dalla sala, e il cane, dietro il carro, abbaiava, cercando invano di svegliare il carrettiere addormentato).
Pizza Basta in Glasgow's west end, and Dennistoun's Pizza East took the Paesano model and gave it their own treatment.
Canzona, intermezzo, et danza paesano, pour guitare solo.
Da quella disparita maggiormente avvilito il Paesano sta ciecamente soggetto al loro volere, et ogn'uno ch'ebbe in concessione, o ad affitto una villa era solito disponer intieramente dei villici d'essa.
Company spokesman Geno Paesano also told me there is a Rodeo Heritage model in the form of a 4 3/4-inch .44-40 with special grips.
Ikaia-Purdy is an impressive artist with a physique that, while not quite that of a lovelorn paesano, is at least one for which Turidd?'s two lovers would be willing to wreck their lives.
And yet, as a paesano, Vincenzo Saccoccia, whom we viewed as a wit and wise man, said, somewhat settling that account: la grascia e piu brutta della carestia, ma io voglio stare in mezzo alla grascia [abundance is more terrible than famine, but I want to be in the midst of abundance].(26) This is one of my father's favourite sayings.
Peter Paesano, 71, retired, Bedlington: Marrying a rich woman and living in luxury would be my dream job.
Anthony Paesano, Attorney (248) -932-1101 30665 Northwestern Hwy., Ste.