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chiefly Scot outside; beyond
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Clyde Training Solutions (CTS) - the first offshore training provider in Scotland located outwith Aberdeen - has seen rapid growth over the past two years, with the number of delegates passing through its Clydebank doors in 2019 alone set to exceed 13,000 by year-end.
On top of that, the service will run on an hourly, daytime basis, leaving SPT searching for a second operator to take the route outwith regular hours.
Bosses say a lot of the factors are "outwith" their control.
They also agreed to an added condition surrounding the collection of waste from the site that a collection point be located outwith the required splay sightlines.
Partnership programme will offer young people the opportunity to develop relationships with trusted adults and provide learning opportunities outwith the home and school environment.
The Partnership also plans to contact a further 250 patients living outwith the town who will then have to find an alternative GP practice.
That is set to include a call to hire in officials from outwith Scotland's borders - a motion which is being driven by champions Celtic but which is believed to be garnering support of others
The accused also pleaded guilty to being outwith his bail address between the hours of his curfew.
Just lay the bark and put some planters down, that's the best I can come up with if even gravel is outwith your budget.
This is greed and all it will do is ensure that tennis, this once elite sport, is returned to that position and outwith the reach of everyone apart from the rich.
An evaluation of the scheme suggested that the decreased caseloads had directly enhanced the health visiting service in terms of number of visits, but ignores the areas outwith the Flying Start programme.