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(Biochemistry) biochem a unit of solute containing one mole of osmotically active particles when in solution
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The concentration unit's milli osmole kg-1 of water was converted into pressure units, MPa using Vent Hoff relationship at 20oC (Nobel, 1983).
ABSTRACT : Lactose synthase catalyses the formation of lactose which is the major osmole of bovine milk and regulates the milk volume.
The use of the osmole gap as a screening test for the presence of exogenous substances.
(29) Osmolarity is a measure of solute concentration and is expressed as the total number of osmoles of solute per litre of solution (Osm/L).
As a means of adaptation to gradual onset hypernatraemia, the brain increases its intracellular content of idiogenic osmoles, thus regaining its cell volume.
In the hyponatremic milieu, cells may leak out organic osmoles including glycine, glutamate, and inositol to maintain osmotic balance with extracellular fluid [30].
Effects of hypernatremia on organic brain osmoles. Journal of Clinical Investigation 85(5):1427-1435, 1990.
Halperin, "Brain swelling after dialysis: old urea or new osmoles?" American Journal of Kidney Diseases, vol.