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(ˈɔːsɪˌnɒl) or


(Elements & Compounds) a colourless crystalline water-soluble solid that occurs in many lichens and from which the dyes found in litmus are derived. Formula: CH3C6H3(OH)2
[C20: from New Latin orcina, from Italian orcello orchil]
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References in periodicals archive ?
For DNA, diphenylamine method was used while orcinol method was used for RNA estimation.
For other biological assays, chemicals like methanol, orcinol, crystal violet and acridine orange, reagents such as hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulphuric acid ([H.sub.2]S[O.sub.4]), calcium chloride (Ca[Cl.sub.2]), Tris-HCl and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the media Luria Bertani broth (LB broth), and LB agar were procured from HiMedia laboratories, India.
Synthesis, characterization and analytical applications of chelating resin containing orcinol. Pol.
speciosum contains various phytochemical compounds such as glucosyloxybenzyl derivatives, grammatophyllosides, cronupapine, vandateroside II, gastodin, vanilloloside, orcinol glucoside, and isovitexin [7].
Free sugars and carbohydrates content of the roots and in the different gari were determined by Orcinol colorimetric method [22].
These signals shifted further downfield, compared with that of OH in orcinol (near 8.0 ppm), indicating an intermolecular hydrogen bond [9, 33].
According to their results, the autoxidation products of 2,5-dimetylresorcinol in ammonia are dyes analogous to those forming from 5-methylresorcinol (orcinol).
RNA was quantized by treating the nucleic acid extract with orcinol and the green colour was read at 660 nm.
Petrosyan, "Degradative pathways for aqueous chlorination of orcinol, " Environmental Science and Technology, vol.
1990) steroidal nucleus (Shoppee, 1964), tannin (Pearson, 1976) while pentosan was determined by first converting the pentosan into furfural and secondly by adding orcinol iron (III) chloride mixture to furfural, from which the amount of xylan was determined from the absorbance of the furfural orcinol reagent mixture at 630nm measured with spectrophotometer.