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(Elements & Compounds) a brown crystalline material formed by the action of ammonia on orcinol and present in orchil: used as a dye, biological stain, and antiseptic. Formula: C28H24O7N2
[C19: see orcinol]
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Venous invasion demonstrated by orcein staining of colorectal carcinoma specimens is associated with the development of distant metastasis.
Oocytes were incubated 10 [micro]l of aceto-orcein solution (1% orcein, 45% acetic acid) for 2-3 min under coverslip and then the structure of the chromosomes was then analyzed.
Copper and orcein staining were negative and the dry liver copper weight was 21.8 mcg/g.
Elastic fiber accumulation was detected in the alveolar septum and air spaces with the histochemically applied orcein stain [Figures 2 and 3].
They then underwent the cytogenetic technique of Lacto-acetic orcein (De Vaio et al., 1985 with modifications according to Alevi et al., 2012) and analyzed using a Jenaval light microscope (Zeiss).
Consequently, the samples were embedded in paraffin (Johansen, 1940) and cut by a rotatory microtome (Valencia, Carabobo-Venezuela) into serial sections (3-10 [micro]m thick), then stained with orcein and/or safranin.
Caption: Figure 3: The valve-like structure was composed of fibrillary material with staining properties of fine fibrillary collagen (asterisk) stained with trichrome (a) and methenamine silver impregnation (b), with scattered very fine elastic fibers stained with orcein (c, d); the anchorage of the valve-like structure was on a thickening of the adjacent endocardium with a coarse compact layer of elastic fibers (arrow, c, d).
For mitotic aberrations, meristematic tissues were collected and stained with 2% acetic orcein. Samples were observed with a Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope, with a NIS-Elements F 3.00, SP7 software.
Two most important symptoms of the disease are brown orcein staining (copper) and intralobular fibrosis that ultimately leads to inflammation and portal cirrhosis [19].
The slides were mounted, with five roots per slides, through the squash technique (Guerra & Souza, 2002), and subsequently stained with 2% acetic orcein. Slides were analyzed in a microscope Axio Lab.
Orcein staining was performed to evaluate the expression of elastic fibers before and after treatment.