

a camp for oil workers
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RigNet, Inc., Houston, a leading global provider of managed communications services for the upstream oil and gas industry, has acquired OilCamp AS, an independent Norwegian provider of communications services to the oil industry.
"RigNet is an outstanding fit for OilCamp," said Bjorn Munthe, chief executive officer of OilCamp.
In addition to the SOIL Network, OilCamp's portfolio of products and services includes SOIL Interconnect, a fast, secure and reliable fiber optic connection between Stavanger, Norway and Aberdeen, Scotland; SOIL Meeting, a videoconferencing solution that uses the SOIL Network as the distribution point; SOIL Offshore, a high-bandwidth communications solution for drilling rigs and offshore platforms, enabling all companies onboard to work over their own networks using one common secure IP network; and SOIL Hosting, a value- added service providing hosting and managed services solutions to industry applications to include secure hosting facilities, helpdesk and 24/7 support.
Bjorn Munthe and Tom Rune Espedal, sales and marketing director for OilCamp, will continue to lead the management and growth efforts of the SOIL Network throughout the North Sea and globally.