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Related to nurser: Nursery rhymes


1. A person trained to provide medical care for the sick or disabled, especially one who is licensed and works in a hospital or physician's office.
a. A person employed to take care of a young child.
b. A woman employed to suckle children other than her own; a wet nurse.
3. One that serves as a nurturing or fostering influence or means: "Town life is the nurse of civilization" (C.L.R. James).
4. Zoology A worker ant or bee that feeds and cares for the colony's young.
v. nursed, nurs·ing, nurs·es
1. To serve as a nurse for: nursed the patient back to health.
2. To cause or allow to take milk from the breast or teat: a mother nursing her baby; whales nursing their young.
3. To try to cure by special care or treatment: nurse a cough with various remedies.
4. To treat carefully, especially in order to prevent pain: He nursed his injured knee by shifting his weight to the other leg.
5. To manage or guide carefully; look after with care; foster: nursed her business through the depression. See Synonyms at nurture.
6. To bear privately in the mind: nursing a grudge.
7. To consume slowly, especially in order to conserve: nursed one drink all evening.
1. To serve as a nurse.
a. To take milk from the breast or teat; suckle: The baby is nursing. Puppies nurse for a few weeks.
b. To feed an offspring from the breast or teat: a mother who's nursing; what to feed cows when they're nursing.

[Middle English norice, nurse, wet nurse, from Old French norrice, from Vulgar Latin *nutrīcia, from Late Latin nūtrīcia, from feminine of Latin nūtrīcius, that suckles, from nūtrīx, nūtrīc-, wet nurse; see (s)nāu- in Indo-European roots.]

nurs′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a person who or that which nurtures or looks after or treats carefullya baby's bottle
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.nurser - a person who treats something carefully; "a great nurser of pennies"
individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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References in periodicals archive ?
(13.) On religion see Loeffler, infra note 19; SABA MAHMOOD, RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCE IN A SECULAR AGE (2015); SAMUEL MOYN, CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS (2015); JOHN NURSER, FOR ALL PEOPLES AND ALL NATIONS: THE ECUMENICAL CHURCH AND HUMAN RIGHTS (2005); Lauren Turek, To Bring the Good News to All Nations: Evangelicals, Human Rights, and U.S.
"Usually in a month, we see 10 to 15 mothers [at the camp] experiencing difficulties breastfeeding their children that are related to trauma," says Sukla Sarkar, a nurser supervisor with Action Against Hunger.
Effect of body weight and feed conversion rate on feeding milk by calf nurser bottle and pail in Brown-Swiss and Holstein calves.
Yahya Kemal Gunaydin (1), Can Gokay Yildiz (1), Vahdet Isikoglu (1), Kamil Kokulu (2), Nurser Muracar (1), Nazire Belgin Akilli (1), Ramazan Koylu (1), Basar Cander (3)
(38) See Martin Luther King, Jr., "Speech to the Synagogue Council of America," December s, 1965, available at; Canon John Nurser, "The 'Ecumenical Movement' Churches, 'Global Order," and Human Rights: 1938-1948," Human Rights Quarterly 25 (November, 2003): 841-881; and William M.
See where he lies inhearsed in the arms Of the most bloody nurser of his harms.
Table1: Best baby bottles internet classification Classification Classification Classification by Source 1 by Source 2 by Source 3 Green to Grow BornFree Adiri Nurser Adiri Nurser Playtex Born Free Born Free Adiri Nurser Dr.
They'd fed her in the nurser, for three days and saw nothing physically wrong, until a nun surprised them by asking Carlos if the child could receive last rites.
Maybe his Burra Bear sits proudly in his royal nurser y - I like to think it might."
(19.) John Nurser, For All Peoples and All Nations: Christian Churches and Human Rights, Geneva: WCC Publications, 2005, p87.