

formal a failure to use, an absence of usage
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Hazard ratios were assessed for a composite of ischemic stroke/transient ischemic attack and myocardial infarction for those with TRT use versus nonuse.
The LTO also charged Luis Miguel Lopez with multiple violations: speeding, reckless driving, nonuse of seatbelt, and driving a motor vehicle without a steering wheel.
Other authors such as, Hernon and Altman (2009) and Kiilu and Otike (2016) suggested ways through which libraries can stem the tide of nonuse. According to Hernon and Altman (2009) library users expect to be treated like customers and as such expects to be offered quality services as opposed to size.
Concerning color skin, it is possible to observe that nonwhite individuals were more exposed to nonuse of routine consultations, a fact that is possibly related to other sociodemographic characteristics such as income, education and housing.
For example, Helsper and Reisdorf (2016) offer a comparative analysis of reasons for nonuse in the UK and Sweden.
Helmet nonuse doubles the odds of a fatality and triples the odds of a head injury--though fatalities in Michigan did not seem to increase after the law was loosened.
So the Board found for Noble House Home Furnishings, ruling that Floorco had abandoned it after three years of nonuse with no intent to resume.
Obese girls consistently report having fewer dating and sexual experiences, but more sexual risk behaviors (i.e., condom nonuse) once they are sexually active," the grant abstract said.
Therefore, the purpose of this study sought to identify both reasons for use and nonuse of alcohol among NCAA student-athletes, and explore potential differences by gender/sex, race/ethnicity and NCAA Division.
The petitions pointed several irregularities during the May 2013 elections including nonuse of magnetic ink as prescribed under the law.
Lack of access was not a commonly cited reason for nonuse in Latin America or Asia, but was often mentioned in some African countries.
process are still the principles of territorial integrity, a nation's right to self-determination and nonuse of force.