

n, pl -ries
a story of little interest, substance, or importance
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Johnson's supporters shrug this off as a nonstory. They did their deal with the devil long ago to accept their hero's bad behaviour as the price for his vote-winning charisma.
We set aside the nonstory pieces such as listings, videos, and quizzes and stories in which graphene was not the central theme.
For example, in many parts of Latin America and Africa, a big family is a nonstory, one of many ways in which people exist, but in the world of Normal, it is exotic and its use is "accepted." This makes something that is just one of many possibilities a marker of authenticity for an entire region, something that provokes questions when it is absent.
This was a complete nonstory. I have known Baker for several years, but he was not a source for my article, as I told Politico--breaking with the journalistic practice of not discussing sources.
She wrote on her Twitter page: "Absolutely pathetic nonstory about me today.
I disagree with people who say that the server was a nonstory. Clinton violated government policy and was not fully honest.
She said she wished the media were not covering this, calling it a "nonstory."
"It is and should be a nonstory, especially after Facebook pointed out his actions in the Gawker were entirely unrelated to his Facebook board role."
It's a nonstory and we make a story of it because someone has gone 'slap, bang.'.
Level Definition No telling First level: nonstory Simple description of actions without characteristics of narrative style Second level: sketch story Characteristics of narrative style, such as introduction of the setting and the main characters, are present, but both problem and resolution are missing Third level: incomplete story Elementary narrative structure without a central event Fourth level: essential story Nonessential structural elements are missing Fifth level: complete story All eight elements are present; only the title is considered optional Level Score 0 First level: nonstory 1 Second level: sketch story 2 Third level: incomplete story 3 Fourth level: essential story 4 Fifth level: complete story 5 Table 2: Children's language of mind coding system.