

not related to the sun
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A general analysis work was conducted on the mathematical design model that covers both solar (solar- and battery-powered) and nonsolar (battery-powered) UAV sizing.
The DNB, a low-light visible-near-infrared-band passive radiometer, can leverage unconventional (i.e., nonsolar) sources of visible light illumination such as moonlight to infer storm structure at night.
Measuring nonsolar tanning behavior: Indoor and sunless tanning.
In 2012, the IRS issued a letter ruling for a combined solar photovoltaic and battery system that concluded a taxpayer must reduce the ITC claimed on a storage device in cases in which the storage device is charged with solar and nonsolar energy (e.g., grid power) (Letter Ruling 201308005).
The meter used gives students the opportunity to measure the intensity of radiation beyond the visible spectrum and further extension of the activity may include the measurement of the UV irradiance emitted by other nonsolar sources.
"It's relatively easy in most climates to create a passive solar building that will use 30 percent to 70 percent less energy than a comparable nonsolar design," Judkoff says.
The RTS method uses the so-called nonsolar radiant time factors to convert the radiative component of the conditioned space lighting heat gain into cooling load.
All four models require cloud cover and nonsolar weather data to predict global, diffuse, and direct solar radiation.
The particle's oxygen and silicon isotopic ratios are decidedly nonsolar, says the team, but they are consistent with the mixture produced in the fireballs of Type II supernovae.
The discovery of a nonsolar source of light at the ocean floor adds to the list of amazing vent phenomena that were once thought impossible.
Architect Pierre Prodis felt the students would be more enthusiastic about building a passive solar house than an ordinary one, but he dsigned it to conform with the neighboring nonsolar dwellings.