

not responsive, not reacting to a stimulus
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The treatment combination was approved to treat adult patients with extensively drug-resistant, treatment-intolerant, or nonresponsive multidrug-resistant pulmonary TB.
The Metropolitan Police said: "Police were called at 2.46pm to reports of a nonresponsive woman.
"The most surprising finding was the high percentage of rosacea clearance obtained with the combined treatment, considering that all the patients were previously nonresponsive to oral low-dose isotretinoin monotherapy," Dr.
of Lake Zurich was deemed nonresponsive and rejected because the company did not submit letters involving insurance and performance bonds.
Presented in court was a Commission on Audit (COA) report which concluded that the Zybermed deal was 'unnecessary and nonresponsive to the exigencies of the service.'
The Tax Court granted the county's motion in part, noting that petitioner was not publicly traded, and to the extent petitioner simply referred the county to the securities filings of its parent company, its discovery responses were nonresponsive.
On appeal, Buckingham argues that trial counsel was ineffective because trial counsel: (1) failed to object to testimony about two handguns that were unrelated to the charges; (2) failed to obtain the testimony of a police officer who would have testified that the victim initially said he did not know who shot him; (3) failed to object to an in-court identification by a witness who failed to identify Buckingham in a photo array; (4) failed to object to a detective's nonresponsive hearsay testimony that a person whose DNA was found on a T-shirt said he knew Buckingham; and (5) failed to alert the jury to the lack of corroborative evidence regarding the alleged motive for the shooting, a feud on Facebook.
The contract has been signed for NEXAGON, a 30-base antisense oligomer being developed for the orphan indication of persistent corneal epithelial defect nonresponsive to standard of care.
OcuNexus' NEXAGON is a 30-base antisense oligomer being developed for the orphan indication of persistent corneal epithelial defect (PED) nonresponsive to standard of care.
(7) Other nonresponsive retorts, including bare labeling of coverage as "bad" (8) or "wrong," (9) generic comments about what "people say," (10) vague threats that President Trump possesses contrary but unspecified evidence, (11) or ad hominem attacks on individual journalists, (12) share the same frustrating traits as the "fake news" rejoinder.
Feeding has a significant emotional component for mothers that may contribute to their using nonresponsive feeding behaviors out of concern for the child's welfare.