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SGT Costa added that SPC Rampona's contribution to the development of the EMARRS nonrated crewmember training program at the 224th Ml Battalion was instrumental in preparing multiple groups of fellow Soldiers for worldwide deployment.
For instance, space and cyber incorporation into Red Flag, marking a significant milestone in 2016 when then Col DeAnna Burt was the first nonrated wing commander (50th Space Wing) to be deployed for the exercise.
The agency primarily guarantees debt issued on behalf of nonrated and below-investment grade health care institutions that demonstrate community need.
The financial strength ratings are constrained by the lack of disclosure on concentrations by both borrower and depositor and lack of disclosure as to the makeup of the substantial nonrated portion of the investment portfolio.
The pump head and flow rate of a single VSP i (i = l, 2, ..., N) running at nonrated speed can be scaled from those of the pump running at the rated speed.
The Water Pump personnel "enlisted airmen, and nonrated officers performed as FACs in Laotian aerial assaults from 1964 until the spring of 1967." These Air America aircraft employing the call sign Butterfly, located targets for AT-28s and tactical aircraft "diverted from North Vietnam to targets in Laos." In the end, "the Water Pump contingent was folded into Project 404, a program under which US.
First, the positive and significant coefficient on the interaction term for refinanced loans and nonrated (NR) firms shows that upstream and support services firms with these characteristics paid higher spreads following the oil-price drop.
However, the chiller operates in part-load and nonrated conditions during most of its operating time (William 1996; Chan and Yu 2002).
Steel doors are usually classified under five different product types, and often with a combination of features, these being fire resisting, security rated, thermally insulated, acoustic suppressive and nonrated commercial.
We believe this could be an important positive factor for the corporate governance profiles for certain key nonrated GREs, which now have an incentive to do what is necessary to obtain a credit rating.