

not modal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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My objective in this paper is to explore the feasibility of modally coarse-grained objects (henceforth, "nonmodal objects").
The literature proposes various acoustic parameters as possible cues to breathy voice, including high-frequency aspiration noise, low degree of periodicity, strong first harmonic, weak higher overtones, and steep spectral slope (Blankenship, The Time Course of Breathiness; Wayland and Jongman; Klatt and Klatt; Laver; Hillenbrand and Houde; Hillenbrand et al.; Keating and Esposito; Blankenship, "The Timing of Nonmodal").
The paper concludes that the most promising approaches to understanding the notion of essence consist in taking essence either as primitive or as analyzable via a combination of modal and nonmodal notions.
Throughout the PACT instrument, the verbs are all in nonmodal present tense forms, supporting a view of the teaching as transparent--as if every teaching move signals its own meaning to any observer, without the need for interpretation.
A genuinely tenseless and nonmodal language can be expressed in a first-order language.
Lopez-Ruiz, "A refined method for trace element modelling of nonmodal batch partial melting processes: the Cenozoic continental volcanism of Calatrava, central Spain," Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol.
Satisfaction is the special case of quasi-satisfaction in which attention is restricted to admissible a-worlds, and truth is the special case of quasi-truth in which attention is restricted to admissible a-worlds.) For v a nonmodal variable, [sigma] a variable assignment, [phi] a formula and w an a-world, we characterize the quasi-denotation function [[delta].sub.[sigma],w](v) and the quasi-satisfaction predicate Sat([phi], [sigma]).
There is only one doubtful case, the relation between 14 and 15, where the nonmodal t-unit contains a lexical evaluator.
The 19 papers in the 2007 edition of the annual volume examine internal tide generation in the deep ocean, stented artery flow patterns, the nonmodal approach to hydrodynamic stability theory, and the dynamics of detonation in explosive systems.
The subjectification at stake here is that from a nonmodal VP to a VP conveying DYNAMIC MODALITY.
(9) Workers may have had employment in some other sector during the quarter, but not as much as in that sector identified as their modal employment, and the wages in their nonmodal employment are not used in the calculation of modal wage.