
(redirected from nonmetro)


(ˌnɒnˌmɛtrəˈpɒlɪtən) or


not metropolitan; rural or semi-rural
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$23 and $21 in metro-adjacent and nonmetro areas, respectively; Jablonski et al., unpublished manuscript, 2018), there are no significant differences between metro (urban) and nonmetro (rural) farm locations.
They "form a classification scheme that distinguishes metropolitan (metro) counties by the population size of their metro area, and nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) counties by degree of urbanization and adjacency to a metro area or areas" (Economic Research Service, 2013, para.
% Predisposing factors Age 0.756 44.70 65-74 [greater than or equal to] 75 0.935 55.30 Gender Male 0.921 54.45 Female 0.770 45.55 Race/ethnicity White only, NH 1.472 87.03 Others 0.219 12.97 Geo region West 0.288 17.05 Northeast 0.384 22.72 Midwest 0.197 11.64 South 0.822 48.59 Metro status Metro 1.337 79.07 Nonmetro 0.354 20.93 Enabling factors Insurance Govt.
"Fueling Job Engines: Impacts of Small Business Loans on Establishment Births in Metropolitan and Nonmetro Counties." Contemporary Economic Policy, 35(3), 578-595.
Researchers found that suicide rates significantly increased over the study period for all county groupings, accelerating in 2007-2008 for medium metro areas, small metro areas and nonmetro areas.
Nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) communities have also generally suffered from higher rates of poverty than metropolitan (metro) communities.
Among the approximately 316 million residents of the United States in 2014, 84 percent lived in metropolitan statistical areas, while 16 percent lived in nonmetro areas.
freq Wt.% freq (millions) Predisposing factors Age 18-39 50 0.325 15.45 [greater than or equal to] 40 170 1.778 84.55 Gender Male 51 0.501 23.80 Female 169 1.604 76.20 Race/ethnicity White Only, NH 172 1.873 89.00 Others 48 0.232 11.00 Geographic region West 37 0.320 15.21 Northeast 56 0.407 19.35 Midwest 63 0.754 35.82 South 64 0.623 29.62 Metro status Metro 204 1.864 88.60 Nonmetro 16 0.240 11.41 Enabling factors Insurance Govt.
Tom Hertz, an economist with the ERS, notes that although manufacturing jobs, once the backbone of rural areas, continue to decline (down by 15 percent since 2003), self-employment is the fastest-growing sector of the economy in both metro and nonmetro areas.
The vast majority of the sample (92%, n = 448) resided in metro areas, and the remaining 8.0% (n = 39) lived in smaller, nonmetro locations.
Flora and Johnson (1991) observe that small firms are the fastest growing segment of business enterprises in most sectors of nonmetro areas and an important source of job growth through expansion.
(167) Further, when compared with urban centers, nonmetro regions are home to fewer local institutions--e.g., churches, clubs, associations, and service organizations--to engage rural citizenry in public life.