

a substance that does not contain meat
not containing meat
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Incidentally, there is a nonmeat option for vegetarians here but, to be honest, why would you?
Even fast-food joints have offered nonmeat patties from the likes of Dr.
Government dietary guidelines have encouraged the consumption of poultry as a healthier alternative to red meat, but there had been no comprehensive comparison of the effects of red meat, white meat, and nonmeat proteins on blood cholesterol.
TYSON FOODS LAUNCHES NON-MEAT FIGHTBACK Tyson Foods, the biggest US meat producer, is launching its own nonmeat nuggets and blended burgers in the biggest challenge yet to the startups that have driven a once niche dietary trend into the mainstream.
However, for nonmeat eaters, a wide variety of plant-based protein can also be availed of.
Mr McGowan claimed direct competitors of his industry, such as nonmeat food producers, paid "absolutely nothing" for regulatory enforcement.
Raw beef samples were classified as bovine, whereas the food classification indicated nonmeat samples (e.g., spinach, flour).
Many other big food producers are doing the same; in December 2018, for example, Unilever bought a Dutch firm called the Vegetarian Butcher that makes a variety of nonmeat products, including plant-based meat substitutes.
While consumers are more open to the idea of incorporating nonmeat proteins and other alternatives into their diets, there is still a common perception that these items will be tasteless or have an undesirable texture.
VEGANS and animal welfare activists want vegan-friendly alternatives to traditional sayings such as "bring home the bacon" to "bring home the bagels" to avoid offending nonmeat eaters.