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not of, affecting, or confined to a limited area or part: the nonlocal aspect of the psyche.
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Fractional order models and discretized problems are nonlocal. They provide better descriptions of and, ultimately, deeper insights into underlying complex phenomena in sciences and technologies.
The main approaches used to describe the small-scale effect in the analysis of nanostructures include nonlocal continuum mechanics and the atomic theory of lattice dynamics [1].
The application of nonlocal continuum mechanics allowing for the small scale effects to the vibrational analysis of nanomaterials has been recommended by many research workers.
Each provided detailed budget information for 2015, including labor, payments to local and nonlocal artists, operations, administration, programming, facilities and capital expenditures/asset acquisition.
Local and nonlocal sources of soot have different influences on radiative forcing--changing the Earth's energy balance--in its destination region.
In the EPR paper (Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, 1935), the completeness of quantum theory implies nonlocal interactions.
We consider nonlocal singularly perturbed boundary value problem
The papers in this special issue cover the following topics: (i) static analysis, buckling, and vibration of micro-, meso-, and nanostructures; (ii) nanobeams, nanoshells, and nanoplates; (iii) micro-, meso-, and nanostructural effects; (iv) size effects; (v) microelectromechanical systems (MEMS); (vi) nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS); (vii) nonlocal theory applied to micro-, meso-, and nanoscales; (viii) nanocomposite materials; (ix) carbon nanotubes; (x) micro- and mesomechanics of concrete; (xi) functionally graded materials; (xii) piezo and magnetic elastic materials; (xiii) homogenization techniques.
These PSNRs indicate that the method proposed in this paper is superior to bilateral filtering, the adaptive wavelet threshold algorithm, nonlocal means [20] algorithm, and BM3D [21] method.
The nonlocal BC is an exact boundary that does not require the additional computational space in the form of absorbing layers.