

not level; uneven
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Generalizing the results to smaller, nonlevel one centers outside of a metropolitan area is of unknown appropriateness.
The MFAC is a seven-point scale with the following scores: 1: cannot ambulate and requires manual assistance to sit; 2: is able to sit for a minute without support; 3: requires continuous manual assistance of 1 person to support body weight in order to ambulate; 4: requires continuous or intermittent light manual assistance of 1 person to maintain balance when ambulating; 5: requires supervision for safety reasons when ambulating; 6: is able to ambulate independently on level surfaces; 7: is able to ambulate independently on level and nonlevel surfaces [28].
It also applies the tapered transitions between the level and nonlevel segments and cuts off the altitude overshoots that would otherwise precede or follow a level segment.
This could be because they did not know that making level transfers reduces forces on the upper limbs or because performing nonlevel transfers is not "difficult" for them and they performed these types of transfers routinely within and outside of the home.
"It helps a store to differentiate, thus easing competitive pricing pressures--and allows the retailer to take the high ground on a nonlevel playing field."
The NAIC passed this guideline In 2002 to provide guidance regarding Regulation XXX, which addressed reserve requirements for life policies with nonlevel premiums or benefits.
The chief accountant's letter clarifies accepted practice regarding the accounting and reporting requirements for operating leases that include leasehold improvements, rent holidays (or, more generally, nonlevel lease payments), and incentives provided to lessees to partially or fully compensate them for leasehold improvements made to leased properties.
Furthermore, the CUE process, based as it is on government-sponsored nominations and a case-by-case review by the parties, is likely to introduce a nonlevel playing field for producers in different countries if a large number of exemptions are granted.
The need to correct a nonlevel condition should be brought to the attention of the contractor before installation.