
Also found in: Medical.


(Medicine) med (of a seizure) not localized
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References in periodicals archive ?
The magnetic resonance imaging findings that favour XCG are nonfocal wall thickening, presence of intramural nodules and LSE.
And diabetes patients are roughly 3.5-fold more likely to have nonfocal, diffuse coronary lesions than are nondiabetic patients with CAD, the cardiologist noted.
And third, the simplified form of the efficiency gap in the multiparty context is EG = ([S.sub.A] - 0.5) - 2 * ([V.sub.A] - 0.5) - [V.sub.C] + 0.5 * [S.sub.C], where [S.sub.A] is one focal party's statewide seat share, [V.sub.A] is that party's statewide vote share, [V.sub.C] is the combined statewide vote share of all nonfocal parties, and [S.sub.C] is the combined statewide seat share of all nonfocal parties (96) Suppose, for example, that party A wins 4596 of the vote and 5596 of the seats, that party B wins 4096 of the vote and 4096 of the seats, and that all other parties win, collectively, 1596 of the vote and 596 of the seats.
Prior task experience and comparable stimulus exposure nullify focal and nonfocal prospective memory retrieval differences.
Entropy can also be used in focal cases and nonfocal EEG signals.
("Subjective Cognitive Impairment, Depressive Symptoms, and Fatigue after a TIA or Transient Neurological Attack: A Prospective Study") explored the clinical course of 103 patients after transient ischemic attack (TIA) or nonfocal transient neurological attack (TNA), in terms of cognitive and behavioural changes, and investigated the longitudinal diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) brain white matter alterations.
Sherman, "EUS-guided Trucut biopsy of suspected nonfocal chronic pancreatitis," Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, vol.
Nitsche, "Dose-dependent inverted U-shaped effect of dopamine (D2-like) receptor activation on focal and nonfocal plasticity in humans," Journal of Neuroscience, vol.
Furthermore, children have a relatively mobile appendix compared to adults which may explain the increased frequency of nonfocal abdominal abscesses seen in this population [12].