

(Commerce) not produced by a well-known company or brand
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
I don't know what they would say if I don't wear brand products" (T, 13), and "I don't feel good if I wear nonbrand products" (B, 13).
They did not feel good when they had to wear nonbrand products.
We intentionally did not quota on category or brand users as the reputations of companies are often affected by nonbrand or noncategory users.
"We see a real desire on the part of manufacturers to provide both brand and nonbrand support as well as research and development support and educational programs.
Given that the market perceives there to be differences in quality across brand name and nonbrand name auditors, this study examines whether boards perceived to be more effective (i.e., boards with increasing percentages of outsiders) are associated with the use of brand name auditors.
We do not find an association between board composition and the choice of using a nonspecialist brand name (i.e., a nonspecialist Big 6) auditor and a nonbrand name auditor.
Imagine an established company with a recognized brand name being outfoxed by an upstart information peddler whose ability to reach consumers on behalf of a competing nonbrand name alters a long-time marketplace dynamic for product sales and revenue.
Recognizing the differences between brand and nonbrand markets is not just a matter of intellectual curiosity.
ABV's Isolation Module separates and allocates the portion revenue and expenses that are traceable specifically to the brand itself from the portion that is due to other "nonbrand" factors such as price promotions, distribution, and product line.
Based on these variables, a causal module is created that explains the share of an individual's fuel consumption in terms of components traceable either to brand strength as determined by the BPI or to nonbrand characteristics such as distribution coverage and promotional campaigns.
Are nonbrand buyers a complete waste of advertising dollars?
A large body of evidence suggests that nonbrand aspects of commercials influence viewer attitudes to advertising and the advertised brand (e.g., Mitchell and Olson, 1981; Edell and Burke, 1987; Gardner, 1985).