
(redirected from niteries)
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(ˈnaɪtərɪ; -trɪ)
1. a nightclub
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niteries. Achievements in sports, news, music, editing, art direction and engineering effects gain recognition.
The show--a cousin to those satirical revues popular in Manhattan niteries during the decade--ran only 23 performances at the Henry Miller Theatre in 1959.
The Oscar cast's theme of Hollywood heritage was carried over into the Governors Ball, which transformed the Hollywood & Highland Grand Ballroom into a re-creation of the old Mocambo-Ciro's niteries. Three bands alternated musical styles, and a few people actually danced, including Jeff Bridges with Hailee Steinfeld and later with wife Susan.
NEW YORK The place: Feinstein's at the Regency, the largest of New York's three jacket-and-tie niteries. The time: Early June, recording star Michael Feinstein and Broadway leading man Cheyenne Jackson sang "I have dreamed that your arms are lovely"--to each other--while auds dined on crispy oysters with lemon bourbon mayonnaise, sweet potato fries and rosemary-spiced mac and cheese.
A number of outlying niteries, eateries and parks are also still shuttered.