nasalise, nasalize - pronounce with a lowered velum; "She nasalizes all her vowels"
enounce, enunciate, pronounce, sound out, articulate, say - speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"; "Can the child sound out this complicated word?"
nasalise - pronounce with a lowered velum; "She nasalizes all her vowels"
nasalise, nasalize - speak nasally or through the nose; "In this part of the country, people tend to nasalize"
enounce, enunciate, pronounce, sound out, articulate, say - speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"; "Can the child sound out this complicated word?"