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imp.1.imp. of Mote.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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In the very next sentence, Gullio describes himself under his mistress's window, 'playinge vpon my Iuorie lute moste enchantinglie' (5.1.1370).
And there is nothing in Forrest's later address to Howard as "Duke of Northefolke: earle of Surrey; Lorde Hawarde: earle Marshall of Englande: and one of the moste noble ordre of the Garter" that helps narrow down the composition of the later manuscripts, the last of these titles--Howard's election as Knight of the Garter--having been granted in 1559.
One poem in Forrest's last manuscript, for example, one that is usually identified by the line "Rose Marye / moste of vertue vyrgynall," was once ascribed to the much earlier poet William Dunbar.
(17.) Thomas Hill, The Moste Pleasaunte Arte of the Interpretacion of Dreames (London, 1576), A2r-A2v.
Available at: info_serv/en_reg_std_water04.html (Accessed: 1 March 2014) Notification of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE), 1996.
Which maketh us so common a by woord amongst other Nations for our ungratefulness: If wee could aswell imitate in good actions such noble Straungers as have lived in elder time as follow, their vanities and manners in all vicieus exercises, wee might well be noted for the moste only people of the whole earth: Then might that most excellent Histories which now declare the noble and bountifull minds of the Romaines bee shut up, and our Histories fill the eares of all Nations with reportes of our now living and brave minded adventures, but those times be past, such men live not to recompence their worthines nor those of learning to give them their due.
(4) In A Little Treatise of the Manner and Form of Confession, Erasmus explains "that the synner myghte take truste and courage of Christes promyses, and that he myght loue, rather than feare," but he notes that "ouermoche care full and scrupulous rehersal and rekenyng up" of sins and their circumstances is commonplace: "This disco[m]moditie or yuel chau[n]seth moste specially in children, womene, an aged folke, & suche as be by nature of a timorous & fearefull my[n] de" (sig.
and with thy holy spirite & worde, vouchsafe to blesse and sanctifie these thy gyftes, and creatures of bread and wyne, that they maie be unto us the bodye and bloude of thy moste derely beloued sonne Jesus Christe." (57) In the 1552 BCP Cranmer removed the epiclesis and replaced it with a prayer for worthy reception.
"Well", seyde Arthure, "thou haste seyde thy message, the whych ys the moste orgulus and lewdiste message that evir man had isente unto a kynge.