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tropical eels having porelike gill openings and no pectoral fins: moray eel
Not to be confused with:
mores – (pronounced moray) customs, conventions, practices: The settlers brought the mores of the old country with them.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
References in classic literature ?
With this specimen of the French, not of Stratford-atte-Bowe, but of a finishing establishment in Moray Place, she left John alone in his father's sanctum.
Years of hard work paid off yesterday when a PS12 million sports centre designed to inspire future sporting stars from Moray was officially opened.
Residents had been calling for such a facility for a long time when plans for Moray Sports Centre were finally unveiled in 2015.
Associated Seafoods has acquired prawn processor Moray Seafoods in a move that will secure the future of the company and herald the beginning of a new strategy to develop the domestic and export markets for quality langoustine and scampi.