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npl -ries
1. gloominess
2. (Law) law US a minor offence for which a person can be detained by the police
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Zezima), pleading not guilty to Larceny, Chicanery and Mopery, attorneys at law, for failing to pay the bar tab.
But this isn't mopery. There's a mute self-horror that Mark Hamill acts so wonderfully that we quite readily believe that this despair is the reason Luke has exiled himself to a far corner of the galaxy.
This is the first time we've seen the supposed criminal charge, "Mopery with Intent to Creep,'' in print.
The poster boys for the teen emo angst movement have hung up their mopery and gone all fun - to spectacular effect.
You are charged with the heinous crimes of brown baggery, mopery, doping off, chit requesting, apple polishing, sympathy seeking, gun decking, procrastination, gold bricking, liberty hounding, and reveille neglecting.