

n.1.(Zool.) See Mole the animal.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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9 hornbills (0) moorishly 12 lymphangitic (1) staphyloncus 10 munitioned (2) phytotoxin 11 bicorporeal (3) uncolorably 8 dram shop (4) moldwarp 12 lantern-jawed (5) veratralbine 10 unscalably (6) unshuffled 12 processioner (7) spectroscopy 9 staghound (8) tubaphone 13 extravagating (9) vice-principal 9 scrubbing (10) whipbirds 9 ridgewise (11) Scotch egg 12 philarchaist (12) well adjusted 11 albumenizes (11) albumenizes 9 handcraft (14) unwalking 9 blockages (15) meadowink 11 overcheaply (16) unrepliably 10 coeminency (17) discommode 10 adnexopexy (18) untrounced 10 bargepoles (19) rhabdosome 12 prelatically (20) triplicative 12 arithmograph (21) dumbfounding 11 unretrieved (22) cranberries 12 lexicologist (23) soliloquized 9 fitting up (24) skippered 9 Huygenian (25) squallery
If, therefore, Edward Waverley yawned at times over the dry deduction of his line of ancestors, with their various intermarriages, and inwardly deprecated the remorseless and protracted accuracy with which the worthy Sir Everard rehearsed the various degrees of propinquity between the house of Waverley-Honour and the doughty barons, knights, and squires, to whom they stood allied; if (notwithstanding his obligations to the three ermines passant) he sometimes cursed in his heart the jargon of heraldry, its griffins, its moldwarps, its wyverns, and its dragons, with all the bitterness of Hotspur himself, there were moments when these communications interested his fancy and rewarded his attention.
Scott brings his readers close to the consciousness of Edward, growing bored, at the same time delighting stylistically in the moldwarps and the wyverns.