

to aim badly
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The pot shots at the creators, however, are often misaimed, due to the collaborative nature of TV projects.
In a sense, Posner is right: the inquiry of what makes for an "essential" rule of golf does exemplify "judicial insouciance." But as far as Posner's broader point is concerned, the example seems misaimed by 180 degrees.
Studies of the soldiers of World War I and World War II have revealed that men arc not natural-born killers: many combatants in those conflicts refused to fire their weapons or misaimed in order to avoid killing (Grossman 1995).
In the case of Bassanio, thrift, as he explains to his good friend Antonio, entails the shooting of another arrow after the first misaimed one, assured that he will "find both / Or bring your latter hazard back again" (1.1.150-51).
His fellow judge had taken it upon herself to bring down Wagner with one misaimed personal shot.
It is the values of "We." B - system of values of spirituality, "Metaphysical", stands behind most of spiritual manifestations, the most significant ones are the Sufi sects, mosques, churches, and misaims. Among the values of spirituality are: asceticism, humility, reliance on God and belief ( metaphysics) .
Whilst the first casualty was, as you remark, a Grenadier Guard, you omit to mention the 17 Afghan civilians blown up by misaimed rockets.
Sometimes that attaches itself to misleading history and misaimed anger.
Looking at some survey data on 65-plusers, and hearing from people professionally engaged in understanding and marketing to this cohort, we get a clearer picture of how older Americans see themselves and the advertising that"s aimed (or, often, misaimed) at them.For starters, people whose chronological age would seem to put them squarely in the "old" category often don"t see themselves in that light.
Paralyzed at first by the rapidity and sheer audacity of the Democrats' advance (and by a plummeting stock market), they hunkered down behind a Maginot Line of safe districts, remembered triumphs, and misaimed slogans, hoping that the Democrats soon would outrun their supply lines or, besotted by success, fall to feuding among themselves.
Furthermore, probably because Alexander's study was initiated in 1998--that is, before 9/11--the choice of case studies is arguably misaimed. Egypt's pre-9/11 experience is relevant precisely because it is a formative aspect of the transnationalization of Islamist terrorism and the rise of al-Qa'ida, and the Tamil Tigers' activity in Sri Lanka is worthy of study also because of their persistence and innovation (for instance, suicide attacks).
If this is thus a work in progress, then the external evidence is permanent--the dips and furrows, created by misaimed shellfire, the forests of trees all so obviously of a single age, and the 150 war-grave cemeteries that stand gleaming at every aspect.