

the middle of the month
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Speedtest says "Results are updated midmonth for the previous month.
For an autumn harvest, start new crops of beets, cucumbers, green beans, peas, and Swiss chard midmonth. Protect tender seedlings from harmful critters with floating row covers, but remove them once plants are established to allow access to pollinators.
"Import demand is likely to remain strong and see a seasonal peak by midmonth this month as producers prepare for Christmas.
Midmonth and soaked in monsoon rains, one of Xiamen Air's planes veered off the main runway in Naia, causing delays and congestion and inadvertently exposing how easy it was to lock down the country's busiest airport.
A small voice whispered to me: "It is midmonth, maybe I should start properly on first December.
During February, however, the Red Planet races east above the pattern of the Scorpion, increasing its separation from slowing Jupiter to 19[degrees] at midmonth and to almost 27[degrees] at month's end.
By midmonth, Venus starts to emerge low in the western twilight.
Still, you're already beginning to notice the actual circumstances you're dealing with are changing, something that will continue until midmonth. Knowing that, ensure whatever you organise is flexible enough those arrangements can be easily rethought.
For Northern Hemisphere observers, August is usually regarded as "meteor month," with one of the best displays of the year reaching its peak near midmonth. That display is, of course, the annual Perseid meteor shower, which is beloved by meteor enthusiasts and summer campers alike.
Jeff Carbone, co-founder and managing partner of Cornerstone Financial Partners, told International Business Times good jobs numbers Friday will guarantee a rate hike midmonth, and he thinks the stock market already has taken an interest rate hike into account, and though there might be a pullback initially, he said investors are likely to push stocks higher in the near term.
At midmonth, stone crabbers will once again be dropping baited traps along the coast.