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 (mə-lēnz′, mä-lēn′)
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(məˈliːn) or


1. (Textiles) a type of silk net used in dressmaking
2. (Textiles) another name for Mechlin lace
[C19: from French Malines (Mechelen), where this lace was traditionally made]


(Placename) the French name for Mechelen
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




Also, ma•line′.

a delicate net resembling tulle.
[1840–50; after Malines]



French name of Mechlin.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
If these bits of pasteboard had been beautiful pictures, or had had a hundred yards of Malines lace rolled round them, worth twice the number of guineas, Becky could not have regarded them with more pleasure.
After basic tuition from the original Carillonneur Eric Jordan, Peter went to Michelin (Malines) in Belgium, to the Royal Carillon School.
(6) "Bart Somers, elu meilleur bourgmestre du monde: 'Je suis fier pour Malines'" Le Soir, February 14, 2017.
Centres of the textile industry are Bruges, Brussels, Verviers, Ghent, Courtrai (Kortrijk), and Malines (Mechelen).
Ultra-rare imported breeds: Ayam Cemani, Cream Legbar, Swedish Flower Hens, Bielefelder, Marans, Isbar, Barbezleux, Bresse, Sulmtaler, Spitzhauben, Olandsk Dwarf, Orust, Barnevelder, Merlerault, Niederrhelner, Marsh Daisy, Altsteirer, East Frisian Gull, Lyonaisse, Malines, Pavlovskaya, Queen Silvia, Swedish Black Hen, Sussex, Twentse, Lavender Wyandotte, Yamato Gunkei.
(3) "In order to unite with one another"--wrote Cardinal Mercier, archbishop of Malines from 1906 to 1926, in his "testament"--"we must love one another, in order to love one another, we must recognize one another, in order to recognize one another, we must go and meet one another." (4) There is sound theological underpinning for such mutual recognition between brothers and sisters in the faith--whatever our confession, we know that we are preceded by a gift beyond our grasp, beyond our intelligence, which endows us with our very theology and identity.
5-Utopie des Malines : Totalisant autant d'echecs que d'essais, cette trotteuse, qui n'est plus que l'ombre d'elle-meme, va encore une fois etre confrontee a une rude tache, si l'on se refere a ses decevantes dernieres sorties.
Tour malines: Multiple indices on the refractometer: A further note.
"When Aguinaldo left 'the Pueblo,' local officials agreed unanimously through the leadership of Emilio Malines to name the place as San Emilio in honor to him.
Dishes will include hand peeled shrimp with white asparagus from Malines, Jura wine emulsion, morels, comte cheese and chervil, as well as Sole 'from our Coast' with oyster, verbena, yuzu mouseline and soya beans.