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(Plants) another name for longan
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Lyndon Aspacio, the PDEA Western Mindanao chief, said suspect Badang Awal Abdul, a resident of Sitio Lungan Gihtung in Barangay Lagasan, yielded some 300 grams of the white crystalline substance when arrested by elements of PDEA Tawi-Tawi provincial office.
[16] Lungan Zhang, Liangxiao Jiang, Chaoqun Li and Ganggang Kong, "Two feature weighting approaches for naive Bayes text classifiers," Knowledge-Based Systems, vol.
Lungan, Random integral equations on time scales, Opuscula Math.
The effluent was collected from a vegetable and fruit (Lungan, Lychee, Rambutan, Bamboo shoot and baby corn) canning industrial effluent, which was treated by anaerobic digestion followed by an aerated lagoon.
(22) "[E]s hatte dort jemand nach iiberstandener langandauemder Krankheit versprochen, alien Gottem zu opfem, und weil man bei den Dajak--vor allem denen in West-Dusun--manchmal behaupten hort, die Erde und die Luft bestehe aus 7 lapis Oder Etagen, stellt unser Buntok-Mann ein Bambusgeriist her--ein lungan bulau oder Goldfeld jedoch--mit 8 Etagen, aus Furcht, einen Himmel zu ubergehen."
Jntamays in converting enzyme activityin the blocked kidney, lungan dserum of rats.
We walk to a stunning hamlet called Pa Lungan and the wonderful Batu Ritung Lodge, run by Nabun Aram and Supang Galih, who cook using ingredients from the jungle supermarket that surrounds their home.
Rodrigue perhaps describes the Waka Enga-inspired version of the cult, since he mentions 'the Wabag leaders' (1963:276) Lunguni and Langate (Lungan and Langan in his spelling) in his account.
Qinggan jiaoyu lungan (Affective education: An outline) Nanking: Nanjing Publication.
now in her late seventies, was living at the village of Pa' Lungan when Christianity first "arrived" in the Kelabit Highlands.