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(Zoology) a small fly, Plecia nearctica, of the march-fly family, native to the US and Central America, which forms large swarms of mating pairs
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Best known for their hits Sucker, S.O.S and Lovebug, Joe, Nick and Kevin rose to fame through the Disney Channel.
The trio - made up of Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas - formed in 2005 and gained popularity from their appearances on the Disney Channel and are best known for songs such as Burnin' Up, Lovebug, S.O.S.
If you're looking for a true blast from the past, perhaps travel to the future with their kid-friendly cover of 'Year 3000.' The band's self-titled album contains some of their most memorable work -- 'S.O.S.,' 'Hold On,' 'Kids of the Future' and 'When You Look Me in the Eyes' -- but the 2008 album 'A Little Big Longer' produced what is arguably their best work: 'Burnin' Up' and 'Lovebug.' They also recorded once-popular tracks for 'Camp Rock,' such as 'Play My Music' and 'This Is Me,' Joe's duet with Lovato.
Mr Fly faced many dangers in his bid win his lovebug's affections, but he never gave up.
Taking to her Instagram handle, the 'Quantico' star unveiled a video of Nick singing 'Lovebug' by Jonas brothers for the children of the orphanage.
Legendary rapper Lovebug Starski, who was credited with coining the term "Hip Hop" died Wednesday at the age of 57, according to Forbes.
"LoveBug's probiotics use a patented delivery technology called BIO-tract that delivers at least 15 times more live probiotic organisms past stomach acids than standard capsules, chewables and powders.
Ashley Harris, chief executive officer of LoveBug Probiotics adds that every day more research comes out linking imbalances in the microbiome to various health conditions.
The lovebug, Plecia nearctica Hardy (Diptera: Bibionidae), is found in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and the southeastern USA, with a current distribution extending to all states bordering the Gulf of Mexico and to Georgia and South Carolina (Denmark et al.
The super-wholesome Jonas Brothers showed up in 2008 to play "Lovebug" and got roughed up by Russell Brand.
The super-wholesome Jonas Brothers showed up in 2008 to play ''Lovebug'' and got roughed up by Russell Brand.
Join us @LivEchoNews Rachael, the founder of Lovebug Films, said they had been "overwhelmed" by the reaction.