
(redirected from lotters)


(Horticulture) someone who rents or works an allotment
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References in periodicals archive ?
To obtain a Bayesian 95% credible interval for prevalence (online Technical Appendix), we used the computational methods of Lotters et al.
(10.) Lotters S, Kielgast J, Sztatecsny M, Wagner N, Schulte U, Werner P, et al.
Se encuentran desde el nivel del mar hasta los 4800 metros de elevacion, en su mayoria restringidas a tierras altas por encima de los 1500 metros (Lotters 1996).
Pertenece al grupo de Atelopus ignescens debido a que posee un cuerpo robusto, con extremidades relativamente cortas y a menudo piel tuberculosa (Lotters 1996).
Lotters ransacked shops and vandalised properties amid ugly scenes of violence and destruction.
Mark Lotter provided an outlet for thieves - and his firm, Lotters Independent Traders, mirrored Del's in TV's Only Fools & Horses.
Lotter, 44, and wife Tracey, 35, of Dagenham, Essex, admitted a string of dishonesty charges.
As a result of the decline in the price of beef in the dry season in mid 2003, feed lotters having stocks in their farms could no longer afford to buy feed as the production cost and selling price are no longer proportional As a result feedlotters decided to sell their livestock.
If young cows generally imported from Australia, are no longer profitable and feed lotters had to turn to locally bred cow to feed their meat canning industry, the population of cow in the country will soon shrink without imports of young cows.
McConahay said after first meeting the Lotters she became convinced this story represented an important turn of events.
Quizas estos resultados se deban a que la mayoria de los individuos en reproduccion se encontraron en estos meses y es conocido que para el genero Atelopus en epoca reproductiva se observan abundantes individuos en apareamiento (Lotters 1996).