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(Pharmacology) a crystalline alkaloid extracted from the seeds of the Indian tobacco plant, used as a smoking deterrent and respiratory stimulant
[C19: from lobelia]
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Janowsky, "Effects of methamphetamine and lobeline on vesicular monoamine and dopamine transporter-mediated dopamine release in a cotransfected model system," The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, vol.
Action stimulante respiratoire reflexe du sulfure de sodium, du cyanure de potassium, de la nicotine et de la lobeline. Arch.
No Alkaloid Name Commercial brand (s) Codeine Antitus[TM], Codicaps[TM], Tussipax[TM] Lobeline Citotal[TM], Lobatox[TM], Refrane[TM], Stopsmoke[TM] Noscapine Bequitusin[TM], Degoran[TM], Tossamine[TM], Tussisedal[TM] Theophylline Adenovasin[TM], Aerobin[TM], Euphyllin[TM], Theochron[TM] Ephedrine Amidoyna[TM], Bronchicum[TM], Peripherin[TM], Solamin[TM]
Many medications have yielded negligible results in studies: selegiline, badofen, ser- traline, topiramate, gabapentin, rivastigmine, risperidone, and ondansetron.(16) Recent evaluation of disulfiram, vigabatrin, and lobeline also has yielded inconsistent firdings.(17)
Lobeline and beta-amyrin palmitate from lobelia increase norepinephrine (NE) release and inhibit dopamine (DP) uptake.
Lobelia: There is evidence to suggest that the constituent called lobeline is of benefit.
No good evidence supports using anxiolyrics, silver acetate, Nicobrevin (a nicotinefree smoking cessation aid), lobeline, or naltrexone for smoking cessation.
Little is known about the nature of the AP chemoreceptors, but they are known to respond to a diverse range of naturally occurring poisons (or drugs) in the blood, including cardiac glycosides, apomorphine, morphine, and lobeline (Gaitonde et al., 1965; Miller and Leslie, 1994; Andrews and Horn, 2006).
Lobelia contains lobeline, a chemical cousin of nicotine, which helps reduce nicotine cravings.
Lobeline and nicotine evoke [sup.3]H] overflow from rat striatal slices preloaded with [sup.3]H]dopamine: differential inhibition of synaptosomal and vesicular [sup.3]H]dopamime uptake.