

a person who likes
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
It was liker somebody else's voice now--it was liker--"
However, I took care there should be no further scorning at my good nature: ever since, I've been as stiff as herself; and she has no lover or liker among us: and she does not deserve one; for, let them say the least word to her, and she'll curl back without respect of any one.
"If it were the other way about, it would be liker it," said I.
People can still see their own likes by tapping on the liker list, but others will not be able to see.
Population size and sex ratio are fundamental concepts in population demographics, affecting population growth, demography, and extinction (Liker et al., 2014; Shao et al., 2016).
It seems liker an eternity ago now, but he pulled on the shirt 71 times for the club over a four-year period from 2011.
The former Cabinet official even mocked his inclusion in the latest matrix produced by Malacanang, saying he must have been included because he has been an 'active liker of Gary Alejano's posts on Facebook.'
O Sistema Toyota de Producao (STP), ou producao enxuta, e uma filosofia de gerenciamento de trabalho que tem como foco satisfazer as necessidades dos seus clientes em menor tempo, alta qualidade e com o menor custo, eliminando os desperdicios dos processos e agregando valor em toda a cadeia produtiva das organizacoes (Liker, 2005).
L'importateur exclusif de la marque francaise invite ses clients a les decouvrir, en affirmant que certains se reconnaitront tres certainement, les liker et les partager a travers les liens suivants.
NFPEI measures the Fan Page Engagement index status of one "Liker" or respondent in comparison to the other on a linear scale.