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(Linguistics) linguistics relating to lexemes
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] modification of lexemic meaning", which in the case of conversion leads to a semantic change "[...
The meticulous analysis of the linear structure is based on five criteria: 1) physical criteria (beginning and end of the tablets), 2) grammatical criteria (morphology of verbal forms and markers), 3) lexical-semantic criteria (word field, lexemic recurrence), 4) narrative criteria (focus: actor, place, time, purpose; style: narrator, direct speech, list-like passages; summary line), 5) stylistic criteria (parallelism, chiasm, etc.).
Neidorf proposes a theory of transmission called the lexemic theory, which he defines as follows:
Given this state of the art, the aim of this research is to contribute to the study of Old English word-formation from the perspective of morphological relatedness by distinguishing morphological contrasts holding between related forms that share a lexemic root from alternations proper, which represent a principled subset of morphological contrasts.
The analysis of our corpus of anglicisms has revealed various degrees of adaptation to the Romanian language system achieved by lexemic and morpho-semantic routines.
This word is capable of simultaneously producing multiple variations while maintaining its basic lexemic shape.
1973 'Polysemic, Lexemic and Taxonomic Relationships of Kadayan Kin Terms.' Paper presented at a joint session of the Borneo Research Council and the 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA, Nov.
The lexemic meaning is created on the basis of the original lexeme, whereas the word is assigned syntactic properties.
(viii) In cases where lexemic status is difficult to access [see criterion (1)], morphological complexity is given some weight as a secondary criterion."