

(Basketball) basketball the act of dropping the ball into the basket while airborne
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References in classic literature ?
"Three dollars a week, an' four dollars a week, an' a young boy cookin' for himself on an oil-burner an' layin' up money, workin' all day an' studyin' all night, just workin' an' never playin', never havin' a good time, an' never learnin' how to have a good time - of course his thirty thousand came along too late."
Been layin' in jail, A-waitin' for bail, Till my bully comes rollin' along."
We've been layin' pipes for the getaway for two weeks.
As from a remote distance he could hear Spider Hagerty saying to him: "No layin' down at the start.
He's dead in the air, an' he goes down sideways, strikin' his face first on the rosin-canvas an' then layin' dead, his head twisted under 'm till you'd a-thought his neck was broke.
Layin' on o' hands is my best holt -- for cancer and paralysis, and sich things; and I k'n tell a fortune pretty good when I've got somebody along to find out the facts for me.
"What are you layin' on your good bed in the daytime for, messin' up the feathers, and dirtyin' the pillers with your dusty boots?"
"Layin' tha' badness on a robin--not but what he's impidint enow for anythin'.
Well, that very night he rolled off'n a shed wher' he was a layin drunk, and broke his arm."
And what's a' more, though that young man do talk foolish things about the rights of farm laborers and such-like nonsense, if Sir John was to hear him layin' it down concernin' rent and improvements, and the way we tenant farmers is put upon, p'raps he'd speak warmer than ever next Sunday."
He swallers sixpenn'orth o' ale, an' saves a hap'orth o' por-ridge--that's his way o' layin' by money, as I've told him many a time, an' am likely to tell him again afore the day's out.
Well, them two loonies scratched along till, one day, Penn's church he'd belonged to - the Moravians - found out where he wuz drifted an' layin', an' wrote to Uncle Salters.