

informal a sudden attempt to establish ownership of or copyright on something in advance of competitors
[C20: from the competition to stake claims to available land in 19th-century America]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Also accused of landgrab are Benjamin Kipkoech Kipkulei ( 63.79 acres), Mwana Mwireri Naivasha and Roroni Farmers Co.
The house reviewed status of varsity estates, landgrab cases and subsequent litigation and the most recent award of punishment to some land mafia men.
The current Israeli landgrab in the West Bank and the mushrooming construction of illegal colonies that is squeezing Palestinians out of occupied Jerusalem is a repeat of an earlier episode, a perpetual drama that has lasted over a century.
(86) Carlos Miguelez, "Romania: Landgrab Bank", Farmlandgrab, 4 Aralik 2015, view/25599rumaniabancaacaparadoradetierras (Erisim Tarihi 13 Eylul 2017).
One recent study found that territorial acquisition by fait accompli (defined as a unilateral, noncoercive "landgrab") is both more common and more successful than attempts to acquire territory by coercion.
Ballve T (2012) Everyday state formation: Territory, decentralization, and the narco landgrab in Colombia.
More recently start-up companies have been established for the recovery of asteroid minerals and the mining of raw materials in outer space prompting fears of a lunar landgrab. A report by the Tauri Group found that startups have attracted over $13.3 billion of multiple types of investment since 2000, including seed ($1.3 billion), venture capital ($2.9 billion), public offering ($23 million), and debt financing ($5.1 billion).
Nasrallah also claimed that Turkish activities in Syria and Iraq were simply a veiled landgrab so that Ankara could dominate both the Daesh-held Iraqi city of Mosul in Iraq and the Syrian city of Aleppo.
These forces are tasked with deterring and responding to any Chinese landgrab in the Indian province of Arunachal Pradesh--territory that Beijing claims as South Tibet.