

[land], (Noun)

- the part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water, as opposed to the sea or the air
(e.g: the reptiles lay their eggs on land)

- a country or state
(e.g: the valley is one of the most beautiful in the land)

- the space between the rifling grooves in a gun

- how the land lies
- in the land of the living
- land on one's feet
- land with one's bum in the butter
- live off the land
- the land of Nod
- the land of the free
- the lie of the land

Old English land, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch land and German Land

[land], (Verb)

- put (someone or something) on land from a boat
(e.g: he landed his troops at Hastings)

- come down through the air and rest on the ground or another surface
(e.g: we will shortly be landing at Gatwick)

- inflict (a blow) on someone
(e.g: I won the fight without landing a single punch)

- how the land lies
- in the land of the living
- land on one's feet
- land with one's bum in the butter
- live off the land
- the land of Nod
- the land of the free
- the lie of the land

Old English land, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch land and German Land

[lant], (Noun)

- a state of Germany or Austria


German, literally ‘land’

definition by Oxford Dictionaries